Happy, Shiny and Healthy Feet: Facts about Podiatry Happy, Shiny and Healthy Feet: Facts about Podiatry

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Happy, Shiny and Healthy Feet: Facts about Podiatry

Hi, my name is Carrie, and I love to walk through the sand in bare feet. Unfortunately, over the years, a number of feet fungi and toe injuries have made my feet look not their best. To improve their look, I have met multiple times with a podiatrist, and I have also done a lot of research on home remedies for feet beautification. In this blog, I plant to explore everything that I know about feet. If you want to make your feet smoother, cleaner, healthier or any other positive attribute, I hope that you find the information you need here. Together, we will find the path to beautiful feet. Thanks for reading! --Carrie


Morton's Neuroma: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment Approach

Morton's neuroma is a painful condition that affects the area between the third and fourth metatarsal bones in your foot. These are the small bones on the top of your foot that run from your toes to your ankles. The condition affects the nerve tissue and causes a benign growth to develop. Here's an overview of the causes, symptoms and treatment approach:


It's not always possible to identify the cause when you develop Morton's neuroma, but there are known triggers. If you experience any of the following, you are susceptible to developing the condition:

  • Collapsed or high foot arches, which can lead to joint instability
  • Damage to the front of your foot as a result of regularly wearing high-heeled shoes
  • Damaged nerves in your foot due to trauma


Common symptoms of Morton's neuroma include the following:

  • Swelling around the third and fourth metatarsals
  • A burning sensation across the top of your foot
  • Foot pain that tends to worsen when you are on your feet

Treatment Approach

Morton's neuroma can be diagnosed by examining your foot. Your podiatrist will recommend a treatment plan based on the severity of your symptoms, and treatment can include the following:

  • Protective Cushioning - Your podiatrist may give you cushioning pads to strap around the affected foot. These pads can help relieve pressure, which can give your body the opportunity to begin the healing process itself. Your foot will be protected from knocks and irritation when wearing shoes.
  • Medication - A short course of corticosteroids or anti-inflammatory medication will bring the swelling down. As the swelling decreases, blood flow to your foot will improve, and this will promote healing by delivering oxygen and nutrients to the tissue between your metatarsals.
  • Orthotic Insoles - If you have collapsed or high foot arches, your podiatrist will measure you for custom-made orthotic insoles. The insoles will alter the distribution of weight across your feet, which will take pressure off the front of your foot. They can also be made to offer additional support to the ball of your foot.
  • Surgery - Podiatric surgery for Morton's neuroma is reserved for stubborn cases that don't respond to more conservative treatment. This is due to the risk of complications, such as infection and nerve damage, associated with any type of surgery. The growth between the third and fourth metatarsals will be removed, and the procedure is typically carried out as a day case.

If you're experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, schedule an appointment with your podiatrist, as Morton's neuroma tends to get worse if left untreated.