Happy, Shiny and Healthy Feet: Facts about Podiatry Happy, Shiny and Healthy Feet: Facts about Podiatry

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Happy, Shiny and Healthy Feet: Facts about Podiatry

Hi, my name is Carrie, and I love to walk through the sand in bare feet. Unfortunately, over the years, a number of feet fungi and toe injuries have made my feet look not their best. To improve their look, I have met multiple times with a podiatrist, and I have also done a lot of research on home remedies for feet beautification. In this blog, I plant to explore everything that I know about feet. If you want to make your feet smoother, cleaner, healthier or any other positive attribute, I hope that you find the information you need here. Together, we will find the path to beautiful feet. Thanks for reading! --Carrie


Teen Feet and Sever's Disease: What You Need to Know

If your teen is suffering from extreme heel pain, Sever's Disease could be the cause. This is a common health problem among adolescents. Although the condition can cause a great deal of pain, when properly diagnosed and treated it has no long term effects. Below is a guide to everything you need to know about Sever's Disease.

What is Sever's Disease?

Sever's Disease is also known as calcaneal apophysitis. The condition is caused by inflammation of the tissues around the bone surrounding the Achilles' tendon. This inflammation is triggered when the bone is growing, which is why the condition normally impacts teens who are experiencing a growth spurt. During a growth spurt, the heel bone may grow faster than the tendons and muscles which support and surround it. This creates pressure on the heel of the foot as the tendon begins to stretch. This pressure results in pain, swelling and tenderness. Teens who play sports such as tennis, basketball and track sports are particularly susceptible to developing Sever's Disease, as these activities place additional stress on the heel and foot.


The key symptom of Sever's Disease is increased tenderness and pain in the heel. This pain may radiate out and also affect the side or bottom of the foot. Your teen may also complain that their feet feel stiff when they wake up in the morning. They may also develop a limp as they try to avoid placing any pressure on the sore heel. The pain will be most severe when they have been active and will start to improve if they rest the foot.

Treatment Options

If you notice any of the signs or symptoms of Sever's Disease in your teen, it is important that you book them an appointment with a podiatrist. The podiatrist will be able to assess your teen's feet and rule out any other possible causes of the heel pain.

The podiatrist will then recommend treatment. The main treatment for Sever's Disease is a specially designed insert in the shoe, which will help to alleviate pressure which is being placed on the heel during activities. To help reduce swelling, the podiatrist may also recommend that your teen apply a cold pack to their heel after sustained activity. If the condition is particularly acute, the podiatrist may immobilise your teen's foot using a splint to allow the heel to recover.

If you have any concerns about the health of your teen's feet, contact a podiatrist today.